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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :German Open GOC 2003
City :Mannheim
Country :Germany
Date :Thursday, 08-21-2003
Association :Multi
Disipline :Standaard
Type :Open
Age :Senior II Standard

Result Service - Results

Result Service / German Open GOC 2003 / Senior II Standard
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1Bernd Kiefer - Monika Kiefer Photos of couple available  Germany
2Christian BöHm - Elisabeth BöHm Photos of couple available  -
3Silvio Bettinelli - Cinzia Bettinelli Italy
4Luciano Ceruti - Nuccia Cappello Photos of couple available  Italy
5Claus Nacke - Ilse Mielke Germany
6Alessandro Barbone - Patricia Flamini Photos of couple available  Italy
7Alfredo Anselmi - Annamaria Pietrobelli Photos of couple available  Italy
8Pietro Innella - Luisi Vita Italy
9Juergen Clarenbach - Evelin Clarenbach Germany
10Hans Arnold BüScher - Heidi BüScher Photos of couple available  Germany
11Martin Ciomber - Angelika Ciomber Photos of couple available  Germany
11Gerhard Otterbach - Elvira Otterbach Photos of couple available  Germany
13Hans Georg Strunk - Barbara Strunk Photos of couple available  Germany
14Ingo Lischka - Angelika Lischka Photos of couple available  Germany
16Domenico Di Micco - Cesarina Torri Photos of couple available  Italy
17Vladimir Levtchenko - Tamara Chokina Russian Federation
17Michael Koops - Hannelore Koops Germany
19Claudio Piacentini - Sabrina Centi Photos of couple available  Italy
20Rudolf Braschoss - Gabriele Braschoss Photos of couple available  Germany
20Wolfgang Scheuer - Angelika Scheuer Photos of couple available  Germany
22Antonio Chistolini - Liliana Petracchiola Italy
23Ronald Stiegert - Ellen Stiegert Photos of couple available  Germany
24Dario Rapone - Anna Prati Photos of couple available  Italy
25Nahne Johannsen - Marianne Johannsen Germany
26GüNter De Koster - Jutta De Koster Photos of couple available  -
27Karl-Heinz Reimann - Vera Krewerth Germany
27Mark Tittl - Marika Tittl Photos of couple available  Australia
29Herward Bucher - Ursula Bucher Germany
29Elmar Strassburger - Luzia Strassburger Photos of couple available  Germany
31GüNter FäRber - Marion FäRber Photos of couple available  Germany
31Jacques Tresignies - Honorata Tresignies England
31Jaap Willemstein - Marianne Willemstein Photos of couple available Exclusive gallery of couple available  Netherlands
34Klaus Kast - Irene Kast Photos of couple available  Germany
34Maurizio Carugati - Maria Grazia Giovenco Photos of couple available  Italy
36Bohumil Cech - Pavla Cech Photos of couple available  Czech-Republic
37Willy Bauer - Christa Bauer Germany
37Saverio De Nichilo - Conchetta Mondarini Photos of couple available  Italy
37Jiri Pisek - Jana Piskova Czech Republic
37Alfred Winkler - Jutta Winkler Germany
41Rainer Aust - Rosita Aust Photos of couple available  Germany
41Heinrich Schmitz - Monika Schmitz Photos of couple available  Germany
43Herbert Wojtera - Christiane Wojtera Germany
43Klaus Blaeser - Annegret Blaeser Germany
45Harm Huizinga - Diemut Huizinga Photos of couple available  Germany
45Sigismund Stopa - Hiltrud Stopa Germany
47Marius Urbanski - Margit Urbanski Germany
48Franco Bernini - Mariarosa Locatelli Photos of couple available  Italy
48Jean-FrançOis Gosselin - Sylvie Gosselin Canada
50Giorgio Tiberio - Maria Rosa Basti Italy
50Walter Stubben - Luise Stubben Photos of couple available  Germany
50Ulrich Spreng - Ute Maria Heinz Germany
53Axel Hagemeister - Sabine Hagemeister Germany
53Manfred Klostermann - Alice Klostermann Germany
53Claudio Monticelli - Alessandra Sajini Photos of couple available  Germany
56Manfred HüTtges - Ursula HüTtges Photos of couple available  Germany
57JüRgen Pehl - Gisela Pehl Photos of couple available  Germany
57John Van Den Burg - Henny Van Den Burg Photos of couple available  Germany
59Diego Merlini - Gabriella Tana Photos of couple available  Italy
60Daniel Trouve - Anne Marie Trouve Germany
61Horst Wientzek - Ursula Wientzek Wille Germany
62Edgar Rosebrock - Karin Rosebrock Photos of couple available  Germany
62Werner Stucky - Astrid Stucky Germany
64Heiner Weimer - Elfi Weimer Photos of couple available  Germany
64Michael Tonko - Sylvia Tonko Photos of couple available  Germany
64RüDiger Reuter - Martina Reuter Germany
64- Germany
68Ivan Elcic - Gordana Elcic Germany
68Johan Staats - Joke Staats Photos of couple available  Netherlands
70Heinrich Dunker - Claudia Dunker Photos of couple available  Germany
71Alois Thurner - Ursula Heiss Germany
72Heinz Bruns - Gisela Bruns Germany
73Theo Van Boekhold - Wilma Van Boekhold Photos of couple available  Netherlands
74Peter Bruckner - Susanne Stuber-Bruckner Germany
75Michael Malzer - Gisela Malzer Germany
75Alesandro Moroni - Meri Trivi Italy
75Peter Schlepckow - Gilda Schlepckow Germany
78Piet Hoogland - Ronny Hoogland Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated -
79Hans Heinrich LüHmann - Marie Luise LüHmann Germany
80Friedhelm Thielebein - Barbara Thielebein Photos of couple available  Germany
80Eddy Rooms - Sonia De Bruyn Photos of couple available  Belgium
80Salvatore Mirabelli - Evelyn Mirabelli Photos of couple available  Germany
83Wolfgang Medinger - Monika Medinger Photos of couple available  Germany
84Klaus Wolfgang Meyer - Karin Meyer Germany
84Rudolf Pekel - Gudrun Pekel Photos of couple available  Germany
84Detlef Ross - Diana Beate Ross Germany
87Har Verjans - Klaske Verjans Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated -
87Sergei Gussarov - Nelli Chelekhova Russian Federation
90Erich Schneider - Renate Schneider Germany
90Theodor Rulofs - Eva Rulofs Photos of couple available  Austria
90Martin Kasbauer - Uschi Kasbauer Germany
90Jan Hultermans - Henny Hultermans Photos of couple available  -
90Norbert Grawe - Hiltrud Jahn Germany
90Gianfranco Fait - Adriana Cardin Photos of couple available  Italy
90Djelloul Bouliche - Sabinena Bouliche Switzerland
97Dieter Wessel - Gisela Wessel Photos of couple available  Germany
97Andrew Miller - Cheryl Miller Germany
97Horst Lobitz - Marianne Lobitz Germany
97Karl Ludwig GlöCkner - Heidemarie GlöCkner Photos of couple available  Germany
102Jurgen Ensslin - Friederike Ensslin Photos of couple available  Germany
103Henning Froede - Angelika Froede Photos of couple available  Germany
103Karl Heinz Hahn - Elisabeth Hahn Germany
105Jan Van Geel - Maria Van Geel -
105Yuji Harada - Sumi Murata Photos of couple available  Germany
107GüNter Andersch - Mechthild Andersch Gerber Germany
107John Overberg - Helene Overberg -
107Hartmut Schlieker - Helma Schlieker Photos of couple available  Germany
110Peter Sedewitz - Marion Sedewitz Germany
110Gerhard Salzgeber - Ingrid Salzgeber Photos of couple available  Austria
110Clemens MüLler - Ingeborg MüLler Germany
110John LéOnupen - Lia LéOnupen Photos of couple available Video gallery available  -
110Uwe Kohring - Jutta Kohring Germany
110Manfred Buchholz - Gudrun Buchholz Germany
116Wolfgang Lieschke - Birgit Lieschke Germany
117Jakob SchäTzl - Gretel SchäTzl Germany
117Alexander Thrun - Christa Thrun Germany
119Harrie Wilborts - Gerda Wilborts-V.D. Hout Photos of couple available  Netherlands
119JüRgen Seifert - Petra Mansbart Germany
119Jean Pierre Larronde - Marie Therese Larronde Photos of couple available  Germany
122Klaus Andreas - Renate Andreas Germany
122Claude Bonneau - Jeanine Bonneau France
122Karl Heinz Dreesen - Carola Dreesen Germany
122Slaveyko Baylov - Irena Kaklamanova Germany
126Werner Fiebelkorn - Christel Fiebelkorn Germany
126Heinz Steffler - Marta Steffler Germany
126Rolf Dieter Wand - Dorit Wand Germany
129Werner Stelling - Karin Stelling Photos of couple available  Germany