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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :IDSF Wordl Senior II Standard
City :Liege
Country :Belgium
Date :Saturday, 10-18-2008
Association :IDSF
Disipline :Standard
Type :World Championships
Age :Senior II Standard
Marks :Marks available

Result Service - Results

Result Service / IDSF Wordl Senior II Standard / Senior II Standard
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1Michael Lindner - Beate Lindner Photos of couple available  Germany
2Walter Valenta - Irmtraud Maurer Photos of couple available  Austria
3Bernd Farwick - Petra Voosholz Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Germany
4Luciano Mannello - Patrizia Presti Photos of couple available  Italy
5Raymond Reimann - Antje Reimann Photos of couple available  Germany
6Lonny Tsang - Susie Tsang Photos of couple available  Usa
Semi Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
7Giampaolo Diotallevi - Cristiana Marini Photos of couple available  Italy
8Maurizio Lanno - Mariella Parisi Italy
9Claus Halfmeier - Britta Halfmeier Photos of couple available  Germany
10Bruno Lazzareschi - Ida Zotta Photos of couple available  Italy
11James Barron - Rachel Barron Photos of couple available  England
12Massimo Schiano - Antonella Ditri Photos of couple available  Italy
Quarter Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
13Maurizio Carugati - Maria Grazia Giovenco Photos of couple available  Italy
14Kazuro Sasaki - Hiroko Tokoro Japan
15Ed Van Uden - Trudy Van Uden Photos of couple available  Netherlands
15Antonio Grieco - Patrizia Grieco Photos of couple available  Italy
15Alessandro Barbone - Patricia Flamini Photos of couple available  Italy
18Francesco Bosco - Clara Sproviere Photos of couple available  Italy
19Wolfgang Koschier - Birgit Koschier Photos of couple available  Germany
20Alexander Hick - Petra Alexandra Lessmann Photos of couple available  Germany
21Jari Redsven - Anne Redsven Photos of couple available  Finland
22Wilfried Tiwald - Barbara Tiwald Photos of couple available  Germany
23Eduard Rahmen - Anita Rahmen Photos of couple available  Switzerland
24Maximino Garcia - Concepcion Lara Spain
Round 3
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
25Robert Hall - Jenny Dewar Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated England
25Yuri Timofeev - Olga Bakirova Russian Federation
27Roland Taron - Siegrun Taron Photos of couple available  Germany
27Antonio Salvatore - Anna Marano Photos of couple available  Italy
27Franco Marienelli - Sabrina Sabini Photos of couple available  Italy
27Hans Arnold BüScher - Heidi BüScher Photos of couple available  Germany
27Uwe Bodinet - Cornelia Bodinet Photos of couple available  Germany
32Robert Dub - Sylvia Schaefer-Nouza Photos of couple available  -
32Marcel Bulten - Lydia Spijkerboer-Bulten Photos of couple available  Netherlands
34Manfred Haerer - Birgit Haerer Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Germany
34David Roberts - Geraldine Ferns O'Connor Photos of couple available  Ireland
34Thomas Weirich - Ingrid Weirich Photos of couple available  Germany
37Anton Novak - Susanna Novak Photos of couple available  Austria
37Michel Heggen - Tonny Heggen Photos of couple available  Belgium
39Hans Stork - Ans Stork Photos of couple available  Usa
40Norbert Schade - Arne Marina Schade Photos of couple available  Germany
41Georg Mertens - Mariele Wedam Photos of couple available  Germany
42Heinz JüRgen KüHl - Jutta KüHl Photos of couple available  Germany
43Hannu Kursu - Suvi Lukkari Finland
44Gregor Hoffmann - Sabina KampköTter Photos of couple available  Germany
44Roeland Jeurissen - Nadine Verstraeten Photos of couple available  Belgium
44JöRg Monse - Beate Monse Photos of couple available  Germany
47Mark Tittl - Marika Tittl Photos of couple available  Australia
48Theodor Rulofs - Eva Rulofs Photos of couple available  Austria
Round 2
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
49Henk Van Kooij - Marion Van Kooij Photos of couple available Video gallery available  Netherlands
49Dick Van Starkenburg - Edith Van Starkenburg Photos of couple available  Netherlands
49HansjöRg Spiecker - Petra Carstensen Photos of couple available  Germany
49Fred Hendrikx - Norma Medima Photos of couple available  -
53Emilio Villodres - Montserrat Estall Photos of couple available  Spain
53Jiri Plsek - Jana Plskova Photos of couple available  Czech
53Bohumil Cech - Pavla Cech Photos of couple available  Czech-Republic
56Thomas Fiege - Sigrid Fiege Photos of couple available  Germany
56Viktor Laukart - Nelli Laukart Photos of couple available  Germany
56Xavier Soria - Roser Cadena Photos of couple available  Spain
56Dirk Dr. Wetterkamp - Doris Dr. Wetterkamp Photos of couple available  Germany
60Franz-Peter Schwindling - Cornelia Schwindling Photos of couple available  Germany
60Ian Saville - Linda Chatterley Photos of couple available  England
60Roland Cyr - Carol Cyr Canada
60Winston Chow - Lilly Chow Photos of couple available  U S A
64Jean Yves Murzin - Christine Murzin Photos of couple available  France
64Robert Genin - Giselle Joly Pottuz Photos of couple available  France
66Heinz BöHm - Manuela BöHm Photos of couple available  Austria
66Martin Dietl - Eva Dietl Photos of couple available  Austria
66Rainer Grasmaier - Christine Hiller Photos of couple available  Germany
69Thierry Pruvost - Sylvie Pruvost Photos of couple available  France
70Marius Torka - Barbara Torka Photos of couple available  Germany
70Seppo Mustonen - Rita Nevaste Photos of couple available  Finland
72Thomas Dose - Marlis Dose Photos of couple available  Germany
72Daniel Eichler - Sona Fikejsova Photos of couple available  Czech Republic
74Joan Antonio - Soler Eva Photos of couple available  Spain
74Karl-Ludwig Martin - Beatrice Martin Photos of couple available  Switzerland
74Andre Kroenchen - Annegrete Kroenchen Slovakia
77Jan Pincsek - Edith Carder-Pincsek Photos of couple available  Austria
77Peter Vanderven - Linda Vanderven Photos of couple available  -
79Bernd FrüH - Renate FrüH Photos of couple available  Germany
79Uwe Vornkahl - Bettina Mangeng Photos of couple available  Germany
81Cor Zeeman - Hannie Zeeman Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated Sponsor: StunningDresses - Dress Sales Netherlands
81Horst Otto - Gabriele Otto Photos of couple available  Germany
81DéLio Gusatto - Isabelle Bineau Photos of couple available  France
84Alain St Requier - Corinne St Requier Photos of couple available  France
84Philippe Ribotta - Isabelle Ribotta Photos of couple available  France
84Burkhard Kolb - Babsi Kolb Photos of couple available  Germany
84JüRgen Gebhart - Marion Uhlenbrock Photos of couple available  Germany
88Klaus Engel - Petra Engel Photos of couple available  Germany
88Wilfried Rosengart - Heidi Rosengart Photos of couple available  Germany
90Harrie Wilborts - Gerda Wilborts-V.D. Hout Photos of couple available  Netherlands
90Isidre Ventura - Montse Roca Photos of couple available  Spain
90Bernd Grzelachowski - Birgit Grzelachowski Photos of couple available  Germany
90Richard Garnier - Michele Brossier France
94Terry Nicholls - Ann Allen-Ankins Australia
95Stephan Helm - Ines Helm Photos of couple available  Germany
95Ralf RöSch - Nursen RöSch Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 1
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
97Udo John - Ursula Lauer Germany
97Herbert Auweck - Lucie Auweck Photos of couple available  Austria 
99Cor Ronda - Sophie Ronda Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated Sponsor: - Photo Material Netherlands
99Erik Winkler - Bettina Winkler Germany
99Jos Wollersheim - Anneloes Wollersheim-Niessen Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated -
102Martin Sohler - Astrid Sohler Photos of couple available  Austria
102Helmut Schwab - BäRbel Schwab Photos of couple available  Germany
102Hans JüRgen Klatt - Susanne Klatt Germany
105Michael Schneider - Monika Schneider Photos of couple available  Germany
105Michel MüLler - Elke RüFfler Photos of couple available  Germany
105Gordon Maguire - Deborah Maguire England
105Harry Lang - Ines Lang Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Austria
105Klaus Klostermann - Karin Klostermann Photos of couple available  Germany
105Alain Dermy - Anne Dermy Photos of couple available  France
111GaëTan Aumont - Marie Bellat France
111Steen Stentsoe - Lene Stentsoe Denmark
113Karl Ludwig GlöCkner - Heidemarie GlöCkner Photos of couple available  Germany
113Andrey Fesko - Olga Kazachkova Photos of couple available  Russian Federation
113Alois Buchbauer - Gerda Buchbauer Photos of couple available  Germany
116Volkert Wanner - Franziska Baumgarten Photos of couple available  Germany
116Toni Schott - Heidi DöRr Photos of couple available  Germany
116Franz-Josef Kirchhoff - Lioba Kirchhoff Photos of couple available  Germany
116Heinz-Dieter Hamacher - Marion Hamacher Photos of couple available  Germany
120Jose Moron - Ascension Garre Photos of couple available  Spain
120Klaus-Dieter Kellmann - Heike Henkels Germany
120George Francon - Catherine Francon Photos of couple available  France
120Didier Flinois - Catherine Flinois Photos of couple available  Belgium
120Johan Blind - Nel Blind-Carels Photos of couple available  Netherlands
120FrançOis Albertini - FrançOise Albertini France
126Hans V.D. Zanden - Marian V.D. Zanden Photos of couple available  -
126Eddy Rooms - Sonia De Bruyn Photos of couple available  Belgium
126Hans Joachim Herr - Angelika Herr Germany
126Thomas FüHrt - Susanne Steffen Germany
126David Conway-Nunn - Gaye Conway-Nunn South Africa
131Herbert Klinger - Ursula Klinger Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Austria
131Stephan Laue - Marion Laue Germany
131Gilbert Yvalun - Fivra Yvalun France
134Lothar Troesch - Ulrike Troesch Germany
134Philippe Quinet - Patricia Lauble Photos of couple available  France
134Robert Marquez - Monique Marquez Photos of couple available  France
134Udo Findeisen - Beate Findeisen Photos of couple available  Germany
134Gerard Boyer - Claudia Casoli Photos of couple available  France
134Karsten Arndt - Walburga Arndt Germany
140Uwe Zimmermann - Angelika Schreiner Germany
140Philippe Valade - Claire Vidal Profile page present and updated France
140Luciano Rodeghiero - Liliane Rodeghiero Photos of couple available  Belgium
140Ekkehard Neumann - Anette Neumann Photos of couple available  Germany
140Josep Martinez - Griselda Bas Spain
140Ton Klaassen - Lia Klaassen Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
146Eric Verbeken - Greet Verbeken Photos of couple available  Belgium
146Tilo Schneider - Merve Schneider Photos of couple available  Germany
146Hartmut Schlieker - Helma Schlieker Photos of couple available  Germany
146Willi Quetting - Inge Glaser Puhl Germany
146Wolfgang Forst - Martina Forst Germany
146Franz Cyranek - Gerda Cyranek Germany
146Steffen Blunck - Birgit Blunck Germany
153Gerd Ohnesorge - Helma Ohnesorge Photos of couple available  Germany
153Ralf Pick - Helga Kruse Photos of couple available  Germany
153Rolf Quischinsky - Hannelore Quischinsky Germany
153Karl Ludwig Schu - Roswitha Schu Photos of couple available  Germany
153Yoichi Shibasaki - Brigitte Debrauwer Photos of couple available  Belgium
153Alexander Thrun - Christa Thrun Germany
153Jean-Louis Morel - Monique Doille France
153Norbert Lehnert - Sylvia Lehnert Photos of couple available  Germany
153Michel Josse - Corinne Harroy Photos of couple available  Belgium
153Peter Helms - Christel Helms Photos of couple available  Germany
153Freddy Ghysels - Elsie Van Eeckhout Belgium
153Thomas Fischer - Doris Willenbruch Photos of couple available  Germany
153Patrick Escriva - Francoise Rachine Photos of couple available  France
153Andre Debuyst - Fabienne Dewolf Photos of couple available  Belgium
153Alain Vernier - Yvette Vernier France