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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :IDSF Senior II Open Standard
City :Wuppertal
Country :Germany
Date :Sunday, 07-05-2009
Association :IDSF
Disipline :Standard
Type :Open
Age :Senior II Standard
Marks :Marks available

Result Service - Results

Result Service / IDSF Senior II Open Standard / Senior II Standard
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1Michael Lindner - Beate Lindner Photos of couple available  Germany
2Luigi Donato - Cira Parente Photos of couple available  Italy
3Bernd Farwick - Petra Voosholz Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Germany
4Raymond Reimann - Antje Reimann Photos of couple available  Germany
5Jari Redsven - Anne Redsven Photos of couple available  Finland
6Massimo Molteni - Clara Pignataro Photos of couple available  Italy
7Michael Feld - Heide Glaser Photos of couple available  Germany
Semi Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
8Alexander Hick - Petra Alexandra Lessmann Photos of couple available  Germany
9Thomas Weirich - Ingrid Weirich Photos of couple available  Germany
10Ed Van Uden - Trudy Van Uden Photos of couple available  Netherlands
11Wolfgang Koschier - Birgit Koschier Photos of couple available  Germany
11Maurizio Carugati - Maria Grazia Giovenco Photos of couple available  Italy
13Michel Heggen - Tonny Nijssen Photos of couple available  -
14Holger Kohlschmidt - Sabine Kohlschmidt Photos of couple available  Germany
Quarter Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
15Aldo Sterpilla - Enza Bracci Photos of couple available  Italy
16Roland Lein - Karin Anton Photos of couple available  Germany
17Wolfgang Walter - Ilse Von Beyer Photos of couple available  Germany
17Volfango Paolucci - Cinzia Cecconi Photos of couple available  Italy
19Manfred Haerer - Birgit Haerer Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Germany
20Robert Dub - Sylvia Schaefer-Nouza Photos of couple available  -
20JüRgen Kosch - Katrin Kosch Photos of couple available  Germany
22Jaap Willemstein - Marianne Willemstein Photos of couple available Exclusive gallery of couple available  Netherlands
23Guenther Nagel - Antje Nagel Photos of couple available  -
24Uwe Bodinet - Cornelia Bodinet Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 3
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
25Ivone Donello - Daniela Pupin Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Italy
25Raymond Wiedemann - Martine Wiedemann Photos of couple available  Germany
25Karl-Heinz Michel - Gabriele Schuck Photos of couple available  Germany
28Manfred Otto - Andrea Otto Photos of couple available  Germany
29Wilfried Seidel - Annette Seidel Photos of couple available  Germany
30Jiri Plsek - Jana Plskova Photos of couple available  Czech
31Franz-Peter Schwindling - Cornelia Schwindling Photos of couple available  Germany
32Stephan Eschmann - Susanna Eschmann Photos of couple available  Switzerland
33Marcel Bulten - Lydia Spijkerboer-Bulten Photos of couple available  Netherlands
33JüRgen Gebhart - Marion Uhlenbrock Photos of couple available  Germany
33Michael Borchardt - Anita Borchardt Photos of couple available  Germany
36Olaf Paul - Christl Renno-Paul Photos of couple available  Germany
37Stefan Mussmann - Dagmar Rudolph-Mussmann Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Germany
37GüNter De Koster - Jutta De Koster Photos of couple available  Germany
37Herbert Schnappauf - Petra Schnappauf Photos of couple available  Germany
40JöRg Monse - Beate Monse Photos of couple available  Germany
40JöRg Stoffels - Karin Stoffels Photos of couple available  Germany
40Norbert Schade - Arne Marina Schade Germany
43Dirk Dr. Wetterkamp - Doris Dr. Wetterkamp Photos of couple available  Germany
43Klaas Dusselaar - Anja Dusselaar Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated -
45Gregor Hoffmann - Sabina KampköTter Photos of couple available  Germany
46Thomas Kreuels - Annette Kreuels Photos of couple available  -
47Erich Tremetzberger - Eva-Maria Tremetzberger Photos of couple available  Austria
47Mark Tittl - Marika Tittl Photos of couple available  Australia
Round 2
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
49Hans Arnold BüScher - Heidi BüScher Photos of couple available  Germany
49Peter Birndorfer - Christina Pothfelder Photos of couple available  Germany
49Cor Zeeman - Hannie Zeeman Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated Sponsor: StunningDresses - Dress Sales Netherlands
52Thomas Fiege - Sigrid Fiege Photos of couple available  Germany
53Georg Mertens - Mariele Wedam Photos of couple available  Germany
53Dirk Keller - Heidemarie Schulz Photos of couple available  Germany
55Bert Lobeek - Annemieke Lobeek Photos of couple available  Netherlands
55Wolfgang Bruch - Annette Bruch Photos of couple available  Germany
57Christian Helweg - Heike Helweg Photos of couple available  Germany
57Marius Torka - Barbara Torka Photos of couple available  Germany
57Wolfgang Dieter Schmitt - Angelika Schmitt Photos of couple available  Germany
57Ton Klaassen - Lia Klaassen Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
57Anton Novak - Susanna Novak Photos of couple available  Austria
57Heinz-Otto Saar - Beate Saar Photos of couple available  Germany
57Leo Rein - Ursula Rein Photos of couple available  Germany
64Werner Uecker - Gabriele Uecker Photos of couple available  -
64Fred Hendrikx - Norma Medima Photos of couple available  -
66Roland Margraf - Elke Westphal-Margraf Photos of couple available  Germany
66Johan Dane - Miep Danee Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
68Joerg Saalmann - Kerstin Kobluhn Photos of couple available  Germany
68Henk Van Kooij - Marion Van Kooij Photos of couple available Video gallery available  Netherlands
70Burkhard Kolb - Babsi Kolb Photos of couple available  Germany
70Thomas Fischer - Doris Willenbruch Photos of couple available  Germany
70Francois De Neeff - Getty Dekeyser Photos of couple available  -
73Klaus Klostermann - Karin Klostermann Photos of couple available  Germany
73Maik Ebbecke - Sabine Reyer Photos of couple available  Germany
75Thomas Rudolph - Silvia Rudolph Photos of couple available  Germany
76Michel MüLler - Elke RüFfler Photos of couple available  Germany
77Klaus Nissl - Silvia Nissl Photos of couple available  Germany
77Siegfried Lutz - Rosemarie Lutz Photos of couple available  Germany
77Detlef Hildebrandt - Sabine Hildebrandt Photos of couple available  Germany
80Ferry Kandouw - Margareth Kandouw Photos of couple available  Netherlands
81Hans-Peter Mehlau - Ute Mehlau Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 1
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
82Volker Bartels - Regine Solibakke Germany
82Jos Wollersheim - Anneloes Wollersheim-Niessen Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated -
84Gerhard Baier - Ingrid Cloos Photos of couple available  Germany
84Harrie Wilborts - Gerda Wilborts-V.D. Hout Photos of couple available  Netherlands
84Dirk Hillmer - Ulrike Hillmer Photos of couple available  Germany
87Markus Eggert - Angela Josteit Photos of couple available  Germany
88Peter Nydegger - Marlise Reichen Photos of couple available  Switzerland
88Didier Flinois - Catherine Flinois Photos of couple available  Belgium
90Albert Rommel - Andrea Rommel Photos of couple available  Germany
90Michael Schneider - Monika Schneider Photos of couple available  Germany
92Ralf Pick - Helga Kruse Photos of couple available  Germany
92Klaus Engel - Petra Engel Photos of couple available  Germany
94Peter Ligthart - Sylvia Ligthart Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
95JüRgen LüDers - Karin LüDers Photos of couple available  Germany
95Joachim Brollik - Anna Brollik Photos of couple available  Germany
95Hans Zwaanstra - Adri Zwaanstra Photos of couple available  Netherlands
95Karl-Heinz DüMer - Renee RothböCk Germany
95Wolfgang Medinger - Monika Medinger Photos of couple available  Germany
95JüRgen Zipp - Gabriele Zipp Germany
101Franz Josef Kirchhoff - Lioba Kirchhoff Photos of couple available  Germany
102Michael Deisenroth - Karen-Kristina KöHn Photos of couple available  Germany
102Michael Diener - Gabriele Sroka-Perez Photos of couple available  Germany
102Stefan Doodkorte - Jose Doodkorte Photos of couple available  Sponsor: Love2Move - Lessons Netherlands
102Heinz-Hermann StöVer - Birgit Menze-StöVer Photos of couple available  Germany
106Antonius Laumann - Martina Laumann Photos of couple available  Germany
106Herbert Klinger - Ursula Klinger Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Austria
108Martin Brinker - Martina Brinker Photos of couple available  Germany
108Karl-Ludwig GlöCkner - Heidemarie GlöCkner Photos of couple available  Germany
108Carsten Wulff - Angela-Birgit Maass Germany
108Pim Van Zanten - Cate Van Den Hadelkamp Photos of couple available  Netherlands
112Vladimir Jakubec - Jaruska Jakubcova Photos of couple available  Czech Republic
113Graham Candler - Christine Candler Photos of couple available  England
113Volker MüNch - Petra MüNch Photos of couple available  Germany
115Gunnar Wagner - Helga Biernoth Photos of couple available  Germany
115Hartmut Schlieker - Helma Schlieker Photos of couple available  Germany
117Eric Verbeken - Greet Verbeken Photos of couple available  Belgium
117Hans-GüNter Schuh - Pia Schuh Germany
117Rik Kooiman - Petra Kooiman-Van Dijk Photos of couple available  -
117Ekkehard Dr. Neumann - Anette Neumann Photos of couple available  Germany
121Willem Broekstra - Ina Broekstra Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated -
121Tony Schott - Heidi DöRr Germany
123Hans-Joachim MüLler - Angelika MüLler Germany
123Olaf Dr. Geisler - Petra Geisler Germany
123Udo Findeisen - Beate Findeisen Photos of couple available  Germany
123Pieter De Beer - Anna De Beer-Bouma Photos of couple available  Netherlands
127Thomas Seitz - Ute Barbara Seitz Germany
128Bruno Krautschneider - Silvia Krautschneider Photos of couple available  Germany
128Gerd Ohnesorge - Helma Ohnesorge Photos of couple available  Germany
130Frank Fleschner - Marina Fleschner Germany