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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :WDSF Senior III Open Standard
City :Stuttgart
Country :Germany
Date :Tuesday, 08-09-2016
Association :IDSF
Disipline :Standard
Type :Open
Age :Senior III Standard

Result Service - Results

Result Service / WDSF Senior III Open Standard / Senior III Standard
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1Michael Lindner - Beate Lindner Photos of couple available  Germany
2Stefano Proietti - Marina Ischiboni Photos of couple available  Italy
3Bernd Farwick - Petra Voosholz Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Germany
4Masayuki Imai - Yuka Imai Photos of couple available  Japan
5Andrey Kukk - Anna Berezina Photos of couple available  Russian Federation
6Josef Stehlik - Eva Stehlikova Photos of couple available  Czech Republic
Semi Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
7Sergio Gritti - Francesca Filippini Photos of couple available  Italy
8Roberto Furlan - Daniela Sattin Photos of couple available  Italy
9Renato Sibillo - Anna Cartini Photos of couple available  Italy
10Andrea Petaccia - Stefania Sabini Photos of couple available  Italy
11Victor Berezin - Elena Martynenko Photos of couple available  Russian Federation
12Hans Sieling - Petra Sieling Photos of couple available  Germany
Quarter Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
13Alexander Hick - Petra-Alexandra Lessmann Photos of couple available  Germany
13Wolfgang Walter - Ilse Von Beyer Photos of couple available  Germany
15Luciano Ceruti - Rosa Nuccia Cappello Photos of couple available  Italy
16Juerg Briner - Katharina Egli Photos of couple available  Switzerland
16Alessandro Barbone - Patrizia Flamini Photos of couple available  Italy
18Michael Feld - Heide Glaser Photos of couple available  Germany
18Francesco Monaco - Iolanda Gangeri Photos of couple available  Italy
20Roberto Brizzi - Antonella Pagnotta Photos of couple available  Italy
20Alfredo Anselmi - Anna Maria Pietrobelli Photos of couple available  Italy
22Mario Bruno Cannello - Nicoletta Cecati Italy
23Philippe Quinet - Patricia Lauble Quinet Photos of couple available  France
23Tamas Schubert - Baerbl Schubert Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 4
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
25Moeller Knut - Moeller Iris Germany
26Robert Dub - Sylvia Schaefer-Nouza Photos of couple available  -
26Nervano Tondini - Laura Galasso Italy
28Luciano Poli - Danila Barbieri Photos of couple available  Italy
28Eliseo Lunghi - Alessandra Bertolini Photos of couple available  Italy
28Claude Maccelli - Daniela Amerini Italy
31Marcello Lapi - Mara Foglietti Italy
31Oliver Luthardt - Anne Hinz Photos of couple available  Germany
33Stefan Mussmann - Dagmar Rudolph-Mussmann Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Germany
33Marius Torka - Barbara Torka Photos of couple available  Germany
35Wolfgang Koschier - Birgit Fehrmann-Koschier Photos of couple available  Germany
35Maurizio Potera - Daniela Tortorella Photos of couple available  Italy
37Lutz Froehlich - Berit Froehlich Germany
38Guido Tedesco - Franca Marchello Italy
39Mauro Vomiero - Dora Zaetta Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Italy
40Giuseppe Colaiacomo - Marina Ricca Italy
40Dirk Keller - Heidemarie Schulz Photos of couple available  Germany
42Denis Michaud - Diane Michaud Canada
42Kazuo Fukumoto - Tomoko Fukumoto Japan
42Silvano Cacciavillani - Luisella Tosetto Italy
42Geert Willander - Katrine Willander Photos of couple available  Denmark
46Kenjiro Tsutsumi - Kaoru Tsutsumi Japan
47Gerhard Baier - Ingrid Cloos-Baier Photos of couple available  Germany
48Giancarlo Balasso - Giovanna Spiga Italy
48Jose Maria Moron - Ascension Garre Photos of couple available  Spain
Round 3
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
50Mauro Rocca - Marzia Pelosi Photos of couple available  Italy
50Ingo Nicolaus - Eva Herz Germany
52David Spence - Denise Riley-Spence Photos of couple available  Canada
53Daniel Benjamin - Marjolaine Lagace Photos of couple available  Canada
53Bram Stelling - Ans Stelling Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
55Roberto Paccalini - Antonella Pezza Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Italy
55Jos Ceelen - Parmis Siami Araghi Photos of couple available  Netherlands
55Rob Neuhaus - Charlotte Neuhaus-Claessens Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
55Goetz Bierbaum - Maren Mueller-Bierbaum Photos of couple available  Germany
55Emilio Redaelli - Laura Cazzaniga Photos of couple available  Italy
60Claudio Di Giovanni - Tiziana Pettinella Italy
60Peter Gleiszner - Sabine Zwick Photos of couple available  Austria
60Pietro Innella - Vita Luisi Italy
63Roberto Santini - Patrizia Gavelli Italy
63Volker Dietrich - Sonja Bockmann-Dietrich Photos of couple available  Germany
63Juergen Kosch - Katrin Kosch Photos of couple available  Germany
63Franz-Josef Kirchhoff - Lioba Kirchhoff Photos of couple available  Germany
63Horst Stepuhn - Kerstin Stepuhn Photos of couple available  Germany
63Saverio Calio' - Maria Prospero Photos of couple available  Italy
63Marco Pacciardi - Simonetta Pallai Italy
70Dieter Keppeler - Manuela Schraut-Keppeler Photos of couple available  Germany
70Bosco Novak - Corinne Novak Photos of couple available  Germany
70Hans-Juergen Gallo - Astrid Winter Photos of couple available  Germany
70Tiziano Assanelli - Mary Manzoni Photos of couple available  Italy
70Keijo Vierimaa - Seija Vierimaa Photos of couple available  Finland
75Olaf Paul - Christl Renno-Paul Photos of couple available  Germany
75Josef Kronschlaeger - Evelyn Kronschlaeger Photos of couple available  Austria
77Ari Lindgren - Satu Lindgren Photos of couple available  Finland
77Mario Bissacco - Antonietta Baselli Photos of couple available  Italy
77Luciano Poggi - Grazia Secci Photos of couple available  Italy
80Thomas Kreuels - Annette Kreuels Photos of couple available  -
80Juergen Kleinhans - Karin Kleinhans Germany
82Dieter Mueller - Elke Mueller Photos of couple available  Germany
82Raymond Wiedemann - Martine Wiedemann Photos of couple available  Germany
84Peter Helmer - Karola Helmer Photos of couple available  Germany
84Michael Gross - Regina Gross Germany
84Sergio Dodaro - Francesca D 'Aviri Photos of couple available  Germany
87Lutz Benedix - Sylvia Benedix Germany
87Siegfried Evertz - Yvonne Heyner Photos of couple available  Germany
87Leung Wai Tong - Ma Yuk Wan Hong Kong
87Juergen Schlaepfer - Barbara Blackwell Canada
87Vesa Karhunen - Ritva Karhunen Photos of couple available  Finland
92Joan Ferrer - Merce Girones Photos of couple available  Spain
93Maik Reyer - Sabine Reyer Photos of couple available  Germany
93Winfried Hiller - Gabriele Gild Germany
95Andres Joeleht - Anu Joeleht Photos of couple available  Estonia
95Roberto Cervellini - Claudia Boni Italy
97Roberto Fiabane - Franca Franzoni Italy
Round 2
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
98Robert Rheinberger - Astrid Rheinberger Photos of couple available  Austria
98Natale Minutoli - Antonella Montesanti Italy
100Gregor Hoffmann - Sabina Kampkoetter Germany
100Massimo Fiori - Marzia Gonnelli Italy
102Roland Lein - Karin Anton Photos of couple available  Germany
103Philippe Martin - Elaine Soubigou Photos of couple available  France
104Joseph Pankert - Alice Pankert Photos of couple available  Germany
104Aleksandr Orlov - Olga Orlova Photos of couple available  Russian Federation
104Stefan Doodkorte - Jose Doodkorte Photos of couple available  Sponsor: Love2Move - Lessons Netherlands
104Robert Nicklas - Elisabeth Nicklas Photos of couple available  Germany
104Frederic Meyerie - Framboise Bellanger France
104Juergen Klein - Gabriele Klein Germany
110Osamu Sakai - Junko Sakai Japan
110Dirk Bendrin - Martina Bendrin Photos of couple available  Germany
110Robert Keller - Manuela Keller Photos of couple available  Germany
113Klaus Rose - Astrid Rose Photos of couple available  Germany
113Alain Saint Requier - Corinne Saint Requier France
113Jens Langmann - Ellen Langmann Photos of couple available  Germany
116Henri Leboutte - Francine Leboutte-Adam Germany
116Peter Kothe - Ulla Kothe Germany
116Mario Schmid - Annette Roell Germany
116Rolf Minter - Christiane Minter Tsc Rot-Weiss Karlsruhe
120Don Adair - Marian Adair Canada
121Peter Holzner - Ulrike Holzner Photos of couple available  1. Tsc Schwarz-Rot Herrenberg
122Heiko Wehr - Sabine Wehr Germany
122Michael Saumweber - Sabine Schaffert Germany
124Dietmar Abel - Annette Abel Tsc Schwarz-Gold Casino SaarbrüCken
124Wolfgang Hesse - Petra Hesse Germany
124Markus Sturm - Martina Dietrich Germany
124Juergen Lueders - Karin Lueders Photos of couple available  Germany
128Peter Brueckner - Susanne Stueber-Brueckner Photos of couple available  Germany
128Raimund Wilhelm - Ursula Wilhelm Photos of couple available  Germany
130Giancarlo Tinca - Vilmara Cannoni Photos of couple available  Italy
130Daniel Mutin - Catherine Trincanato Photos of couple available  France
130Harald Ries - Antonie Ries Germany
133Wolfgang Hoeft - Birgit Hoeft Photos of couple available  Germany
134Ton Klaassen - Lia Klaassen Photos of couple available Video gallery available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
135Marc Van Breda - Anita Bosmans Photos of couple available  Belgium
136Michael Deisenroth - Karen Kristina Koehn Germany
137Claude Guay - Ginette Beaulieu Canada
137Otmar Duer - Helga Duer Austria
139Frank Grosse - Eveline Grosse Germany
139Mieczyslaw Cichy - Ewa Cichy Photos of couple available  Poland
141Wolfgang Thomann - Roswitha Guelpers Germany
142Christof Stewen - Carolin Stewen Germany
Round 1
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
143Uwe Wentz - Iris Wentz Photos of couple available  Germany
143Peter Kemker - Ursel Kemker Germany
143Manfred Dort - Traudel Dort Photos of couple available  Germany
143Volker Moll - Petra Weinzierl-Moll Photos of couple available  Germany
143Kristian Gruenwald - Silvia Gruenwald Photos of couple available  Germany
148Uwe Pietschmann - Rita Pietschmann Photos of couple available  Germany
149Edgar Bugenhagen - Renate Bugenhagen Germany
149Manfred Lerch - Andrea Lerch Germany
149Armin Winter - Angela Winter Photos of couple available  Germany
149Jean-Louis Morel - Monique Deghaye Photos of couple available  Belgium
149Kevin Yee Loong - Angela Yee Loong Canada
154Dieter Thyssen - Dagmar Karin Thyssen Photos of couple available  Germany
155Beat Schmid - Monika Schmid Switzerland
155Hatsuo Ichinose - Mitsuko Ichinose Photos of couple available  Japan
155Helmut Bresch - Angelika Nothdurft Photos of couple available  Germany
155Joerg Saalmann - Kerstin Kobluhn Photos of couple available  Germany
159Neil Fleischmann - Maria Carmen Galang Canada
159Juergen Maendl - Petra Maendl Germany
159Uwe Kellner - Dorothea Kellner Photos of couple available  Germany
159Franco Frulletti - Paola Rossi Italy
159Matthias Luderer - Elvira Luderer Germany
164Juhani Toikkanen - Tuija Toikkanen Finland
164Serge Le Poittevin - Christine Schmitt France
166Ulrich Voosholz - Inge Frond Germany
166Alexander Schuermann - Gisela Schuermann Photos of couple available  Germany
168Hans-Heinrich Luehmann - Marie-Luise Luehmann Germany
169Thomas Lange - Dagmar Krueger Germany
169Herbert Lederer - Katrin Cords-Lederer Photos of couple available  Germany
169Philippe Werle - Pascale Blaise-Werle France
172Werner Evers - Coby Evers Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
172Peter Kwok - Sue Tang Canada
172Thomas Seitz - Ute-Barbara Seitz Germany
172Hans Van De Zande - Corrie Van De Zande Photos of couple available  Netherlands
176Egon Mueller - Hong Xiao Photos of couple available  Germany
176Walter Knauer - Marita Knauer Germany
176Guenter Statt - Andrea Kersting-Statt Germany
176Mosel Klaus-Ulrich - Berg-Mosel Ruth Germany
176Andreas Walcher - Jutta Walcher Photos of couple available  Germany
181Stefan Mezera - Sonja Mezera Austria
181David Martin - Nancy Rooyakkers Canada
181Siegmund Maurer - Marianne Maurer Photos of couple available  Ttc Rot-Gold TüBingen
181Terrance Nicholson - Candace Nicholson Photos of couple available  Usa
185Peter Hauptlorenz - Kerstin Pfeiffer Photos of couple available  Germany
185Henri Muller - Miroslawa Muller France
185Viktor Hoeschele - Anny-Edith Hoeschele Photos of couple available  Germany
188Harrie Wilborts - Gerda Wilborts-V.D. Hout Photos of couple available  Netherlands
188Tilo Schneider - Merve Schneider Photos of couple available  Germany
188John Burke - Doreen Thompson Canada
188Eli Kohen - Gertrud Kohen Germany
192Wang Xinyu - Shukuji Hayashi People'S Republic Of China
193Hans-Juergen Schulze - Sigrid Schulze Germany
193Johannes Org - Natalja Org Estonia
193Joel Velon - Eliane Delantin France
196Uwe Wolk - Heidi Wolk Germany
197Bill Hingley - Glenda Hingley Canada
198Werner Egger - Brigitte Egger Photos of couple available  Germany
199Karl Koestlinger - Mathilde Koestlinger Austria
199Dino Taibbi - Adele Patrignani Italy
201Jochen Scheidig - Jeannette Ziegler-Scheidig Germany
201Joachim Pfister - Birgitt Pfister Germany
203Nikolay Voronoy - Alla Voronoi Photos of couple available  Estonia
203Lothar Schuler - Bianca Schuler Austria
203Jose Peres - Eunice Godinho Portugal
206Johann Feldmeier - Lydia Siegel Germany
207Wolfgang Fischer - Leonore Von Selzam-Fischer Tanzsportgemeinschaft Bavaria Augsburg