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Result Service - Competition info
Name competition :WDSF World Championship Senior I Standard
City :Berlin
Country :Germany
Date :Saturday, 04-20-2019
Association :IDSF
Disipline :Standard
Type :World Championships
Age :Senior I Standard

Result Service - Results

Result Service / WDSF World Championship Senior I Standard / Senior I Standard
Search string:
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
1Dmitry Vorobiev - Oxana Skripnik Photos of couple available  Russian Federation
2Fabian Wendt - Anne Steinmann Photos of couple available  Germany
3Corentin Normand - Laura Lozingue Photos of couple available  France
4Michael Mammoliti - Silvia Mariotti Italy
5Ignazio Grignani - Ilaria Gianfranchi Photos of couple available  Italy
6Nedelcu Silviu Adrian - Nedelcu Nicoleta Romania
Semi Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
7Alexei Kirillov - Natalia Krapil Blr
8Alexey Silin - Anastasia Silina Russian Federation
9Alberto D'Elia - Giorgia Gubitoso Italy
10Kemeny Tamas - Princz Nora Photos of couple available  Hungary
10Pasquale Maiello - Iveta Vargova Svk
12Salvatore Calio' - Agata Maiorana Italy
Quarter Final
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
14Gatis Simsons - Julija Simsone Latvia
15Simone Carrer - Ilaria Dalla Libera Italy
15Felix Teufert - Melanie Ahl-Jende Ger
17Zdenek Pribyl - Lenka Pribylova Photos of couple available  Czech Republic
18Linar Siraziev - Tatiana Borisovskaya Photos of couple available  Russianfederation
19Marco Rizzotto - Alina Klonova Latvia
19Tomas Rimkus - Nerija Surblyte Photos of couple available  Lithuania
21Vitaly Vinogradov - Anna Kostiunina Rus
22Martin Cech - Katerina Cechova Czech Republic
23Marco Pigna - Alessia Alunno Italy
24Yevgen Dmytrenko - Mery Lenz Argentina
25Mirko Gandelli - Elena Pariscenti Photos of couple available  Italy
26Alexandr Vasiliev - Tatiana Permiakova Russian Federation
Round 3
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
27Lionel Lepreux - Charlotte Milleville Photos of couple available  France
28Oleg Burlakov - Maria Naydenova Russian Federation
28Tomasz Kucharczyk - Roza Kucharczyk Photos of couple available  Poland
28Gwenael Longuet - Laetitia Deplano Photos of couple available  France
31Sascha Otto - Janne Vollmer Photos of couple available  Germany
32Toyonori Morikawa - Yuka Suzuki Japan
33Petr Bayerle - Barbora Snajderova Czech Republic
33Matteo Bologni - Daniela Chiasserini Italy
35Koichi Takasugi - Ayako Takasugi Photos of couple available  Japan
36Sebastian Spoerl - Kristina Rodionova Photos of couple available  Germany
36Milan Sedlar - Martina Grosupova Czech Republic
36Martin Karel - Monika Simonova Slovakia
36Erik Heyden - Julia Luckow Germany
40Dennis Ciomber - Julia Von Bruehl Germany
40Marco Cilli - Angela Sfregola Italy
42Christian Brinkmann - Alena Ostholt Ger
42Thomas Henker - Sylvana Drewes Germany
44Roman Vseticka - Martina Jalovecka Czech Republic
44Bogdan Kostov - Megumi Miyashita Czech Republic
46Mark Turpin - Sina Turpin Ger
47Luca Zanon - Irene Magnago Italy
48Patrick Cado' - Ilenia Cappeller Italy
49Zbynek Deyl - Martina Deylova Czech Republic
50Vasyl Porokhovskyy - Olga Baltrunas Ukraine
Round 2
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
50Kai Fleischer - Sabrina Schindler Germany
52Michel Lamine - Melissa Vandenhove Belgium
52Sergey Solozhnetsev - Anna Maltsava Blr
52Karel Stanke - Zuzana Stanke Cze
52Roland Tines - Heidrun Puskas Photos of couple available  Germany
52David Wolfkuhl - Natalia Reichert Ger
57Matthew Sorrentino - Theresa Vallese Usa
58Bruno Bohn - Monika Bohn Photos of couple available  Germany
58Sietse De Ridder - Marielle Leonupun Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
58Eduard Grohman - Heidi Soerensen Den
58Frederick Roesler - Janine Rusher Photos of couple available  Germany
62Nerijus Stukas - Laura Montvilaite Lithuenia
62Tobias Neugebauer - Erika Neugebauer Photos of couple available  Germany
64Maciej Okon - Agata Zielinska-Okon Pol
64Erik Snijders - Femke Adriaans Photos of couple available Profile page present and updated Netherlands
66Sander Egges - Iris Busscher Photos of couple available  Netherlands
66Jan Steinmetzer - Judy Ewert Ger
68Patrick Van Der Meer - Sabrina Van Der Meer Photos of couple available  Germany
68Peter Schaldemose - Liubov Penova Mattes Germany
68Petr Kiesel - Nikola Mikeskova Cze
68Christian Held - Nicole Held Germany
72Ricardo Duarte - Ines Mendes Portugal
72Christian Sachtschal - Anja Zellermayr Photos of couple available  Germany
74Mario Ninaus - Friederike Ninaus Photos of couple available  Austria
74Harri Harjula - Sanna Kakko Fin
76Jochen Noelle - Tatjana Flohr Germany
76Arnd Steinhaeuser - Martina Lotsch Germany
76Markus Vogel - Silke Vogel Photos of couple available  Germany
76Jens Vogelgesang - Franziska Vogelgesang Germany
80Martin Petrik - Marie Dolezelova Photos of couple available  Czech Republic
81Ondrej Bahensky - Lucie Kosova Slovakia
81Stefan Sechelmann - Franziska Sechelmann Ger
81Jeroen Ricken - Heleen Busscher Netherlands
81David Heiland - Irina Akalowski Ger
85Joerg Kuegler - Eva Maria Hundstorfer Photos of couple available  Austria
86Miloslav Mareska - Lenka Mareskova Photos of couple available  Cze
86Michael Lennig - Kathrin Wulf Ger
86Christian Kanew - Stefanie Mueller Ger
89Martin Soutier - Monika Rothenfusser Germany
89Zbigniew Rybarczyk - Anke Schmidt Ger
89Luca Nicchiotti - Linda Pezzella Italy
89Volker Hoschke - Anja Munk Ger
89Berry De Groot - Rebeca Kannekens Netherlands
94Nils Junga - Natalia Scherer Ger
94Martin Lutz - Sabine Meusel Photos of couple available  Germany
96Jan Zaminer - Muna Brisam-Zaminer Photos of couple available  Ger
97Christian Weber - Kim Weber Photos of couple available  Germany
Round 1
PLCouplenumber and Couple nameMediaSponsorsCountry
97Maksym Omelchenko - Iryna Shevchuk Ukr
99Timo Verhoeven - Isabell Verhoeven Photos of couple available  Germany
100Roman Pieczka - Dominika Pieczka Ger
101Andreas Urban - Nadine Urban Ger
101Christopher Kollar - Sina Bunzendahl Germany
101Janis Berzins - Dong Xiuyi Norway
104Eike Arndt - Nadine Meyer Ger
105Benjamin Exner - Valeska Exner Germany
105Daniel Petzold - Barbara Sandmeier Ger
105Marco Walz - Christina Hopfgarten Ger
108Torsten Buschmann - Maria-Dorothea Heidler Ger
109Alan Burns - Kelly Batchelor Usa
109Momocea Marius - Bunescu Suzana Romania
109Karel Strzanovsky - Anna Biernatova Cze
112Tibor Stano - Lucie Stano Czech Republic
112Daniel Selle - Sandra Gruenberg Germany
112Michael Seidel - Yvonne Burgdorf Photos of couple available  Germany
112Wojciech Markowski - Natallia Damasevich Pol
112Martin Klempir - Romana Vitkova Cze
112Sandro Pascal Bahke - Yvonne Wilde Ger
118George Borisov - Au Yuk Man Ada Hong Kong
118Rene Mueller - Anna Maria Pfeffer Germany
118Christoph Krueder - Ewgenija Genschel Germany
121Andreas Seiringer - Eveline Kopt Austria
121Christian Hoffmann - Bianca Strauss Ger
121Tom Henschel - Anke Weigelt Ger
121Dzmitry Haurylin - Viktoryia Haurylina Blr
121Daniel Grosch - Marina Grosch Germany
126Claudius Adrian - Andrea Fischer-Adrian Germany
126Alexander Barthel - Annett Neumann Photos of couple available  Germany
126Thomas Busta - Manuela Busta Photos of couple available  Germany
129Tilo Zepernick - Fatma Bahalwan Germany
129Karsten Schroeder - Christine Rothe Germany
129Frank Scheida - Cordula Gehring Ger
129Bastian Ebeling - Claudia Schmidt Ger
129Aria Baniahmad - Yvonne Boehme Germany
134Rene Weinberg - Marina Weinberg Germany
134Jiri Valicek - Veronika Jandova Czech Republic
134Markus Schrader - Anja Utermark Germany
134Joern Rusch - Carola Rusch Germany
134Arnd-Ragnar Rhiemeier - Verena Rhiemeier Germany
134Klaus Reutner - Joanna Reutner Ger
134Jan Praedel - Nadine Koenig-Haupthoff Ger
134Oliver Draeger - Andrea Simon-Draeger Photos of couple available  Germany
134Zdenek Kitler - Petra Kitlerova Czech Republic
134Andre Kruschinski - Kristina Kruschinski Germany
134Gunther Meissner-Klich - Melanie Meissner Photos of couple available  Germany
134Helge Neuner - Tania Neuner Photos of couple available  Germany
146Burkhard Wagener - Binja Svea Rassner Germany
146Fabian Schweigel - Tatiana Schweigel-Thomas Ger
146Sebastian Schwarze - Sandy Schwarze Ger
146Pasi Rautio - Minttu Pajunen Finland
146Stanislav Novak - Kristyna Hudcova Cze
146Andreas Kraemer - Christina Kraemer Ger
146Robert Hiller - Kerstin Hiller Ger
146Jens Chollewig - Manuela Chollewig Ger
146Ingo Carstens - Sandra Schneider Photos of couple available  Germany
146Stefan Blobner - Franziska Moeller Germany
156Heiko Schlage - Bettina Schlage Germany
156Michael Riedl - Barbara Janauschek Germany
156Mirko Prehn - Daniela Stocker Ger
156Overbeck Sven - Overbeck Christiane Ger
156Michael Nordmann - Jana Paprocki Germany
156Stefan Meyer - Renate Matuschka Germany
156Attila Kovacs - Linda Skoglund Swe
156Sebastian Schoenhoefer - Verena Willim Germany
156Holger Schroeder - Anita Bauer Ger
156Ulf Seifart - Carola Seifart Germany
156Georg Uedelhoven-Ziegler - Daniela Altmann Ger
156Sven Utcke - Kirsten Goppert Ger
156Juergen Veit - Katrin Veit Ger
156Christian Wambeck - Katrin Wambeck Ger
156Eugen Weber - Julia Weber Germany
156Thomas Woelfle - Maria Huber-Woelfle Germany
156Michael Zellerhoff - Andrea Zechmann Germany
156Tilo Kornak - Barbara Kornak Ger
156Andre Klemke - Laura Klemke Ger
156Felix Jung - Svenja Jung Ger
156Carsten Becker-Willinger - Karin Willinger Ger
156Stefan Bergmann - Iris Berger Ger
156Jan Brandt - Angela Huang Ger
156Jens Cosmo - Heike Cosmo Ger
156Michael Damkoehler - Stefanie Damkoehler Ger
156Thomas Dreimann-Peter - Astrid Peter Ger
156Dieter Felgendreher - Insa Felgendreher Germany
156Michael Forster - Karin Buettner Ger
156Andreas Franz - Petra Franz Photos of couple available  Germany
156Nils Frederich - Katrin Frederich Germany
156Martin Gallwitz - Anca Popa Ger
156Andreas Gilles - Patricia Gilles Germany
156David Griffith - Michaela Griffith Rsa
156Dirk Hoffmann - Monika Hoffmann Germany
156Stefan Holz - Valentina Holz Ger
156Steffen Jost - Sandra Jost Ger
156Heiko Annacker - Kerstin Annacker Ger